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DVD 2018

1 octubre 2018

DVD 2018

DVD 2018 is the event for those involved in equipment and support for the UK’s Land Forces.

Kemtron has exhibited several times at DVD, meeting and networking with the great minds that develop the equipment used in our land defences. Ranging from the vehicles that support our forces, to the rucksacks that carry the keys, DVD truly provides a wholesome opportunity to network.

Apart from seeing some inspirational vehicles and equipment on display, Kemtron had the opportunity exhibit alongside 250 other companies, whilst meeting and networking with the individuals who represent them. Meeting with new and familiar faces, the team at DVD had their technical know-how put to the test, but they did manage to squeeze some time in to see some incredible demonstrations too; a busy two days!

The heart racing demonstrations and vehicles, paired with technical knowledge and ingenuity, maintains the status of this event as a pinnacle across the industry.

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