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Kemtron’s Latest Investment

1 agosto 2018

Kemtron values its staff and the important role each employee plays in its everyday manufacturing. To further this excellent performance, Kemtron gave its employees the opportunity to develop themselves and their career.

Five of the Kemtron team were enrolled onto a higher management course, each employee based from a different department within Kemtron; Accounts, Production, Engineering, Planning, and Customer Services.

The course is provided by one of the leading accreditation institutions in its sector, lasting 6 months, the course focused on many aspects of management, with a broad range to consider, practice and develop.

Regular seminars, training sessions, and group debates kept the team occupied, and despite the arduous coursework and days spent out of the office, all of the enrolled staff passed the course and have gained a vast set of fresh skills and a certification in management.

The skills acquired from this course will enable greater efficiency within each department, breeding good management and positivity, benefitting both Kemtron and its employees.

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