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Kemtron goes to No.10

5 sierpnia 2016

Kemtron’s MD Victoria Tsoi, was involved in the first of a series of meetings arranged by No.10 to explore how the UK Government can support SME’s to grow and improve their export opportunities. The meeting, chaired by new Prime Minister Theresa May, included several small business representatives as well as membership organisations.

„It was refreshing to see that government, and more specifically the Prime Minister, are interested in SME’s and keen to listen to our views and challenges. I am excited about what we may be able to achieve through the dialogue that is taking place and looking forward to making good progress and achieving some positive actions.” 

The original invitation came through the Essex Chambers of Commerce who asked if Victoria would be interested in becoming involved in the round table discussion.

„It was an honour to be selected and I am keen to provide an insight into the challenges and issues we face as an SME exporter in European and international markets.”

The government is looking to develop a new industrial strategy to include recognition of the needs of SME’s and to reflect the opportunities that may be available as a result of Brexit. The core areas around uncertainty, capital availability and skills were raised.

Read more on how the Government are talking to SME’s here.

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